atlantic maintenance group Boosting Your Baltimore Curb Appeal
Follow these tips on boosting your Baltimore curb appeal through landscaping.

Potential home buyers develop their first impression of a property from its curb appeal. In fact, an attractive landscape can add value to your home. Ideally, the perfect time to clean up your yard is at least a month before you plan on showing your home. Follow these tips on boosting your Baltimore curb appeal through landscaping.

Spruce Up the Plants

Container plants add considerable interest to doorways and patios where potential buyers enter and exit the house. Also, such displays demonstrate the endless possibilities for collaborating with container plants. In addition, try to apply a fresh layer of mulch in all your garden beds. The color improves the contrast of the surrounding plants and makes everything stand out. Mulch is also reasonably cheap and easy to apply.

Moreover, try boosting your Baltimore curb appeal with some seasonal color. Select multiple colors or a monochromatic scheme, whatever enhances your home’s appearance.

Shape Overgrown Trees and Shrubs

Despite the season, managing any overlooked pruning chores is an excellent idea because many dead branches look neglectful. So, the idea is to demonstrate how well your home and garden are maintained. In addition, it’s okay to prune trees and shrubs any time during the year.

Furthermore, tidy up plants like perennials and annuals that don’t look good as they should. If a plant is in bad shape, it must be eliminated; either replace it or place a decorative pot on it.

Consider Plant Labeling

Consider labeling as many plants as you can. That way, a potential home buyer will know the name of each plant and then research their growing needs. Additionally, create a complete plant inventory in a scrapbook and leave it on a table for prospective buyers to look at as they tour your home. This easy step can profoundly impact buyers, whether they garden or not.

Now that you know some ways of boosting your Baltimore curb appeal through landscaping let us know if our experts can assist you. Atlantic Maintenance Group is ready to help you with all your landscaping needs in Baltimore, Maryland.

All of Your Landscaping Needs from Atlantic Maintenance Group

Atlantic Maintenance Group is a full-service landscaping company providing maintenance, design, and construction, as well as snow removal and asphalt and concrete services. We are your source for complete landscape and facility maintenance for commercial and residential properties throughout Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. We are a self-performing landscaping company, meaning we don’t hire subcontractors, and senior management is involved with every project. Our highly trained team of professionals receives constant, ongoing education on the latest industry trends, updates, and safety measures. This ensures we can deliver outstanding customer service and results to our clients, regardless of the size of your job.